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Writer: grace maullugrace maullu

these are some ideas I've had to individually work on a project that would vastly transform the source material and make it it's own thing, using this motif of vampires and how it was a killing involving that very theme I think that it would be appropriate to take creative liberties and vastly change the scope of things to make it it's own separate project loosely based off of these killings and how it happened.

What medium that I am going to experiment with is animation because I feel I exceed in that medium by using creative arts I think that I would be able to vastly enhance the theme, and dark genre with it's own spin.

What I'm going to have to further look into however, is design color themes and characters so that it wouldn't appear tacky or not professional furthermore I want my project to stand out and be it's own thing.

Traditionally, most vampire color schemes follow alongside how they treat their victims a blood red color palette mixed in with dark maroons and dark reds to subconsciously make the character more eerie and shrouded in mystery within this I feel that it would enhance the feeling and also make it more scarier.

I've also, included some doodles that I managed to do of vampires however in my own style. Subconsciously using this color palette within seeing these guidelines.

Reds are an essential theme because they demonstrate vampires true nature and how they do their killings, it's a violent and in your face shade but it's striking and brings attention to the design. I personally, want to mix in a lot of colors to make the shades stand out and to make a unique and original design. by following a lot of vampyr folklore, guidelines and rules I think that it would be easy to make a simple character from adhering to the category. It would have to be a horror/crime animation due to the theme of the murders Tracey had committed yet I feel that that wouldn't be too hard to achieve. This project is manageable, and reasonable.

creating a scratched style and also etching in this theme of dark red and maroons makes it more special also by including the fangs, and also by including black and red by the outline it exceeds this theme. Although these are only sketches I drew this with the intent of making the character seem vampyr like and more within the theme, also within the fangs and claws I tried to make this design scratchy and give it a more rigid feel adding to the edge of it.

By using this source material and trying to really exaggerate the vampyr theme I also feel it's appropriate to try and sketch out and go with a reference or storyboard.

The red dress is also a tale tell to how vampires usually dress formally to show off, and the two bite marks are indicative of the true nature too.

By using a basic guideline, references of how characters and how real life people move. Replicating movement by the medium of animation isn't all too difficult, the last time that fluid movement was replicated and how I managed to do this was by using a music video as a reference the music video in question being this:

Most of the movement in this video, setting is bizarre which also made it perfect to center around a project on so I was thinking to do something that linked in with this theme yet also manages to tie in the tragedy of the murders.

Because of where the murders were set, I think that it would be a good idea to include some shots of the forest to heighten the atmosphere and also to make it more believable and tragic.

This is one of my references to draw trees and forest, the dark and dingy feeling and tone really works well together with how ominous it feels and most likely is easier to replicate because of the haze and fog, I think that personally it's a good idea to center a project around these kinds of places and aesthetics because it really draws you in and spooks the audience.

Trees all carry a navy blue and greys mixed between, it's extremely blurry meaning that you can't really make out much which means anything could be on the other side without even knowing it. I feel this is a brilliant way to communicate that somewhere is dangerous because of the fear of the unknown by not revealing the mystery it's a brilliant way to communicate what is and isn't on the other side.

This is the sort of atmosphere that really carries and just heightens the intensity of horror movies because of how bleak and dark it is, I feel that it's the perfect sort of feel for what I have in mind for a potential trailer or animation which would frighten the audiences because of how on edge it would make them.



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