This is a range of film trailers that I have compiled which I want to delve into the codes and conventions of such and what it shows and tells you about this product, by choosing these trailers specifically marketed on what makes them so effective and what to replicate coming forward by using these
By researching and delving into these trailers I feel as if it would play into the execution of how this trailer plays out and make it more effective because of how it is utilised the one that I would like to start off with, is a series that is a tella novella the plot for this series is overall incredibly good and managed to have a cult audience because of all of it's twists and turns throughout the show and I want to analyse how this is portrayed within the marketing also in which characters the show follows along which ones are cult favourites because of how relatable they are to the audience and what is supposed to be taken from this trailer.

This is one of the posters for jane the virgin which fits into the genre well it also portrays which characters are the most unique and interesting and also displays the main characters and how they come into play, what and where the plot revolves around and we can also infer that this show is going to be a more cheesy and lighthearted watch because of how colorful it is. Which is rather seperate from the horror genre that I am going for.
from a lot of the screenshots that I gathered from the trailer although it's rather long and takes a long time to get it's point across it uses the codes and conventions from most romance movies by including the main character and how she reacts to certain situations a lot of the shots are indicitive of where the plot is going to go.

This shot is also showing the main character as a child and how she grew up it's important to take into account her background and how she grew up because it offsets the more unconventional and insane plot that goes on because it always manages to subvert expectations, this really plays into the idea of how the story has to twist and turn which the trailer is very vapid and introduces new characters amongst how it plays out and shows a lot of rapid shots without giving too much information on the cast and story I think this is a perfect way of portraying the show considering how it escalates and the perfect way to portray that is to even so much as subvert expectations amongst the show making it more unique and a way to bring more viewers along by also having them relate to Jane and her struggles, how she grew up and how her personality is important to the plot. Giving the audience an amount of sympathy following through however her life is extremely complicated.

They also display the setting, showing where Jane is from. A lot of the settings are very vivid and set in exotic places playing into that feeling of escapism which makes the audience want to watch more and fit into jane's shoes. Putting a normal character in a very extravagent world, with a lot of characters that are eccentric all act as foils towards Jane and enhance a lot of the plot because it gives balance to the amount of twists which happens which is significant in the show.
This film is aimed at an audience who enjoys a lot of romance, and fantasy even because of how absurd the show is. It's also very comical featuring a narrator which paints a picture of everything that is happening yet in a comedic way referencing how a lot of tella novellas feature something alongs the lines of that. This also being an american programme, makes it very cheesy.

A lot of these pop ups explain what is happening in the trailer and also how it changes between shots figuring out the visuals these pop ups hint towards what the theme of the trailer really is about and I like how cleverly they managed to splice these transitions between shots showing the other characters in Jane's life and how they also represent change, having a trailer that is centered around change surrounding Jane's life is a good way to market things because audiences don't like a film or product that is just still and lifeless and doesn't change one bit implementing in a lot of these changes signifies how some characters can become totally irepprehensible to somewhat likable because of their struggles and what they have to go through. These characters that are well written, are important for providing incentive also increasing the plotline adding more stakes and conflict because Jane being a really normal conventional character shows that she can't really have conflict on her own so most of it's carried by other people in her life.

Good girls is a show surrounding three mothers, who gradually revert to crime because of their horrific circumstances and do a lot of things deemed illegal by doing these illegal practices this series will be qualified as a crime series. The main characters are involved in this because of how they had to steal a bank and it spiralls out of control from there. It takes a concept that usually is deemed ireedeemable by many and spins it in a more understandable light by delving into these characters situations and who and what they have to look out for and how they have to look out for their kids and look after them, which is why watching each of them get into a lot of messes is really fun to watch because we can sympathise and relate to a lot of these people although never being in these situations ourselves.
The main character featured here shows her doing a lot of normal things such as baking and tending to her house even though she usually participates in illegal activity. This show I think is marketed to an older audience because a lot of them can't comprehend or rather understand the themes and deeper meaning behind it.

Counterfeit money is displayed here because they have to wash and make it seem more authentic, this is achieved by using nail polish. A lot of these shots are put here paired with the other ones that seem more normal to juxtapose both situations and bring a light to what these three are actually doing displaying this in high quality and including a close up shot so the audience can infer what is partaking, how this happened however is up to interpretation these kinds of shots also intrigue the audience because of how open ended they seem.

This poster also illustrates what they do perfectly.