Today I'm studying the use of visual information which conveys a feeling about the posters. I will try to use unique and original ones, since many of the techniques used are bland and oversaturated. For this research I'll choose niche posters so I can make mine as inspired as possible.
This also references binary opposition, enigma codes I also wanted to mention how important symbolism is as it references a motif or theme. For example although not referring to a poster the eye in breaking bad from that teddy bear is very relevant as it's seen and heavily referenced in every episode.
Small things that are important in making a poster and enhance the quality of it by giving it an edge.
For example, this poster from lost doesn't really fit into binary opposition yet applies to thematic purpose, the dazy blues also symbolise being lost.
here's a trailer for lost to portray how well the poster does justice to most of the themes and settings.

Although quality isn't up to standard, the point that the designers are trying to convey is apparent. It leaves the characters like semi silhouettes as we learn about them individually, I think that the use of black and blue does well to contrast the sky because it conflicts and contrasts. I also think that the caption is cleverly implemented because there's no need for a tagline as lost was so recognisable that it signifies what the actual themes are about. How every character is lost and needs to be found which is why they are all shrouded in mystery. It also points out which characters are significant and which ones are not by having Jack and Kate line up at the front of the poster to highlight how relevant they are. The marketing is very clever because it's a mirror image of everything that lost stands for and replicates the themes quite well. A dingy sky is also used to create more mystery which gives this an element of eerieness. Making this poster seem haunted or tainted. Which conveys a lot of emotion.
Most of the enigma codes left behind are the setting which seems onimous it also eludes to the odd character line up how this is significant is because it plays a hearty role in the play, which one of these characters truly brings the plot forward and clues to what can happen so fans can speculate. Lost also has a lot of cliffhangers which makes this show fantastic because of how many plot twists happen seperating it from the first and second arcs.
I've included a trailer for the ring to display how much justice this poster does to the key themes

Because what we're creating is a horror/true crime poster, I believe the best posters to analyse are the ones with minimal and/or no colours because of the haunting feel that they eminate. The way Samara is portrayed in this poster has a feel of horror to it and exemplifies the way that this movie operates what themes are used within. The tagline saying "fear comes full circle" is a play on words to reference the fact that this movie revolves around a ring. It also involves how this movie is all about Samara, the mystery behind her and what happened this movie managed to scare a lot of people at the time and was a cult classic. The fact that this poster is very subtle and doesn't include very on the nose imagery such as contrasts between two colours, I feel it's appropiate to deep dive into why blues and blacks are used to represent an old or jaded TV which is clever because it subtly hints at how she comes out of a TV, having this almost VHS feel because of how she's stuck in a certain tape.
This poster also references how the story is told and what parts are really indicitive of the plot such as the characters and emotions that are hinted. Fear playing a big part of what makes this movie special.
My belief is that the binary opposition is displayed within how the sharp black is contrasted with light blues and grays. This is significant because it hints at one of the many props used to make this movie truly significant and also stands the test of time by being unique and memorable which a lot of posters don't take advantage of.
A lot of the clues left in this poster are the colours and what's to make of them, sharp blues and TV static are very significant which viewers may recognise.
here's a trailer for scream which I think displays the themes well.

Although half a face and another face has been oversaturated, I think what seperates this poster to becoming mediocre is the way that the cartoonish art style is what makes this poster stick out from the rest. One of the most crucial clues left from this poster is how the character screams in this one because this represents what emotion is crucial to the rest of the plot and how it moves forward. These actions also include what the victims method of death is and who is the main antagonist throguhout the movie.
I also consider the method of putting in the title at the bottom effective because of how it shows what the characters feel beyond this. This kind of poster also doesn't need a tagline as I think that the art speaks for itself.