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Writer: grace maullugrace maullu

Updated: May 23, 2022

to find another case akin to the vampire killer, I've researched and also done some deep diving into some tragic stories and killings that revolve around the same gothic themes. For example a classmate of mine has detailed a timeline of the vampyr killing, outlining her relatives and her life. A lot of this stuff is increasingly triggering and really delves into her dark background so heads up if you are sensitive to this type of information. However, this is the reality of the tracey wiggins case. Compiled by KAI* .

This has very sensitive material included, so be warned.

(all of these cliff notes not written by me but written by KAI*.)

For this, I've referenced a manifesto linking back to the case written by Kai, this was a compilation and full timeline of events that happened throughout her life and why she is the way she is. Why

Interestingly enough, her grandad owned a company and was a self made millionaire meaning her roots weren't as bad as detailed yet her life started to spiral out of control a little bit when she started to not pay attention to her grades and became a sex worker, a lot of things happened before and after which really ruined her psyce as in when she had innapropiate relations and was taken advantage of a lot. She ahd to manage a lot of jobs on the side so she could just make do.

she developed mental disorders and soforth, Tracey Wigginton has lead a pretty melancholic life so far and has a pretty explained outline of how she is and how she acts. Outlining here, her childlife includes spending time with her grandparents who didn't really mind taking care of her because they adored her to pieces. She was also very wealthy however further on it details how she didn't have any money because she wasn't very bright and dropped out of school. However her affleunt past is very shocking because there's a lot of details about Tracey which hint to her having a lot of money. Yet she was taken advantage of in a lot of these staves, shown how she had a relationship with a grown man when she was only 16. Which could gravely affect her mental state she was also brought into sex work at a very young age from 17-21 which is quite young. More in depth information could be found on the official murderpedia linked below;

She also becomes a lot more unhinged as detailed, these are all the events leading to when she was captured. Just some bullet points to include when it happened however this doesn't necessarily discuss the reasons of why she did it yet outlines some key characters involved in the case such as the evidence like her friends who encouraged her to these things. In my opinion a lot of this is reasons as to why she would be encouraged to pursue this.

more images on who her friends are will be included here for a little insight on these characters: A lot of this information really enforces the idea that Tracey was influenced a lot by the people she was around (good and bad) it also dives into why Tracey is mentally troubled because of her past relationships with men, we can understand and sympathise with why she is wary of the danger and strives away from them.

This image includes Tracey and all of her family, her grandparents George and Avril who were very fond of her and treated her nicely although George became somewhat unfaithful in his later life because of how many accounts of him cheating and because of his wealth he decided to use his money for the worst. However a lot of his affluence was deported to Tracey to help with her financial situation.

She developed a very healthy relationship with her girlfriend, Lisa. Lisa would self harm yet she would try to help her become healthier and supported her, which is surprisingly positive.

Yet Tracey was very charming and convincing and she managed to convince her friends to her success that she actually was a vampire because of her charm, however this links within the fact that it's another personality and also links within DID (disassociative identity disorder) I'll leave a little link to more information on this disorder down below.

Tracey Wigginton, wasn't given the help she needed at the time also information on this disorder was very minimal so there was little to nothing professionals could do she was also placed in an enviroment where this behaviour was encouraged so it was made worse.

This brutal account outlines a lot of the things that Tracey Wigginton did to the poor victim and the actions that lead up to it, it also details Tracey's mental state and how she didn't really feel up to standard as she was commiting these crimes. This states that she was intoxicated before the crime. Exacerbating her illness and making it more likely for her to do something drastic like harm someone, she also had her friends encouraging her to do something deadly and abetting her every step of the way. They lured Edward in a group effort, a common misconception that I had was that Tracey did this all alone yet that's not the case they needed to get Edward unaware to whats about to happen which is a perfect state to put someone for example how they told him to come to a river without witness. It may have been a seemless crime if not for the bank card left behind by Tracey revealing her identity. An image of this bank card and shoe is linked here.

Edward was incredibly gullible and accepted the lift from Tracey and friends not knowing how deadly the outcome would be.

This is a clear giveaway that Tracey was involved, her full name and address was linked here exposing her for her crime. Yet this account of the events really expands upon this crime for example this is what made them catch her. From the socks as well, there may have been fingerprints. Everything about this crime would've been seemless if not for this piece of evidence left behind.

Tracey murdered this man in the most brutal ways according to the police, already garnering infamy around this killing. It's very chilling and graphic to read because it includes Edward's struggle throughout this passage and how he was brutally murdered in an increasingly graphic and ruthless way. Tracey did not have any mercy on him and slashed his body to bits and pieces, what compelled her to do this is unknown however she was extremely sloppy because she left herself as essential evidence to this case in reference to how she had blood on her breath which is a clear giveaway that she was at least involved in a crime, they also dawdled about at the scene and didn't make a fast getaway. Most of her friends were amatuers at murder, so it was easy to catch them and find out who was involved in this crime.

More information on how much the body was torn and ruined, is linked here with a full report and article on Edward Boldock.

Edward was reported to be a really playful man who cared for his kids and they outlined that he always used to indulge in spending time with them, his daughters reminisced on how he went out of his way to spend time with his kids.

This references Edward and who he was as a person, each person associated with him remembers him fondly for example his wife would always yell at him because he did too much. Yet he worked late to support his family.


However, a lot of this references that her grandparents weren't too nice to her for example how she blocked out a lot of her trauma and how much she'd been S/A'd which means she's sustaining and handling a lot of traumatic memories explaining her backstory, her brain blocked out a lot of her traumas, which is common amongst victims of S/A and verbal and mental abuse from superiors, I find it interesting that a lot of her behaviour can be linked back to her childhood, commonly serial killers do tend to have a traumatic past and exploring upon this we can greater understand why they turned out the way they do.

Interestingly enough, at the start of the case the police believed Tracey's story on why her card was there. She said that her and her friends were just playing around in the park and at first the police believed her story because her alibi checked out.

however this small clue brought Tracey to justice since it was damming evidence she was there and apart of the crime.

This evidence from how Tracey uttered, "oh my god it's real" suggests that Tracey wasn't really aware of what she was doing which traces back to her DID and how she couldn't really recall what happened however the police found traces of blood on her car, her alibi couldn't stand up for her and a lot of her friends got arrested for being present as it was one of the most deadliest murders the police had ever seen. Because of how many times Edward was stabbed and what condition his body was found in with a total of 27 stab wounds, totalled with the fact that his blood was drained by Tracey as she was in a state of delirum due to her alter fronting.

She denied being apart of the murder at first yet evidence became indisputable she was put in another state of trauma, and because of her repeated habits of blocking out most traumatic events and not remembering what happened she repeated this cycle so her mind could protect herself of what happened.

All of her friends were admitted to prison because of being involved in the crime and abbeting her.

Tracey Wigginton was released out of prison, and now she is 56 years old. People have managed to snap a photo of her, as she lives out her daily life out of prison. It's speculated that Tracey got life in prison however she's been let out scott free because of how long ago the murder was. It may also have to do to the circumstances for example how she suffered from D I D and didn't recall the murder at all, she wasn't treated for her disorder and didn't get professional help or treatment so she was left to suffer with this.

This article also links to another message sent out by Tracey Wigginton "now panic because I'm back" what this eludes to, the public aren't sure however she was sentenced to life in prison but only served 22 years and is currently on parole.

Some of the articles from back in the time looked like this.



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