The bare bones and basis of the story of what she did can be found here, which is a perfect clear cut plot of what to do and how to transform most of these themes linking them in with tragedies that are very similar to what happened to this man. This details her basic life, and what lead up to her killing that man.
How she was fascinated by activities that akin to the occult, and took part in disobeying her religion as she was brought up to be a catholic. She did everything she could to rebel and detest what her roots were as evidence by how she reacted to how she was brought up.
this is only but a summary of what she really did just to give the basic idea.

multiple videos, also look into the intricacies of what happened during this killing for example there are deep dive analysis that really paints who she is as a person and allows us to learn more about what she did how she did it and why, there are many themes that can be explored analyzing these murders for example how she was fascinated by the occult and other members in her life that are important which may have influenced her. Like her girlfriend Lisa Ptaschinski, and another couple who seemed to abet and take apart in the entire thing.
a lot of the deep dives and videos, I've scoured together tries to paint who she is as a person, she was mentally ill and suffered from DID (disassociate identity disorder) meaning that she wasn't entirely herself and had developed certain alters or personalities that rested in her mind that she couldn't control or even get rid of.
From her time period. She also couldn't get the help she needed which is also unfortunate too.
These videos deep dive into her life story, the murders and also what truly happened a true deep dive into her character.

An entire recollection of events, is cited here and also tells who Tracey is as a person and visualizes her too. She had multiple personalities as a result of her DID one of which was named Bobby, Bobby had convinced a friend of hers to be their accomplice and continue on with hunting a man named Mr. Baldock. How she did it was pose as a prostitute to lure him in and she stabbed him in the back multiple times, it's a gruesome story. One of her flatmates had reportedly said that she was pale, and always looked like a zombie.
The jury took their time however sentenced Ptaschinski to life in prison and another accomplice to manslaughter, by being involved.
Tracey currently is out of jail and lives somewhere where she is on parole, however has stated on multiple occasions that she enjoys the attention that's being given to her due to the murder that she has committed making her claims to have not remembered doing it very blurry, as she seems to be an extremely evil person who just so happens to be infatuated with vampires and vampyr culture.

A link to a timeline of events and also certain photos that revolve around Tracey Wigginton, what she did and what she used to look like to truly visualize and give forth a timeline of events and also to just imagine what she used to look like before these killings and her upbringing this also gives a timeline of events and by using clues and evidence to what these people look like, her friends her girlfriend and also the people associated with her it's easier to piece together why and how she did this.
The murder, interesting by conjunction of what happened and the method of killing is easier and interesting to dive into because it gives a sense of what happened and how it happened is interesting because there's multiple ways to transform the source material.
I also wanted to research into ancient vampires and where they originated from to give a sense and an idea of what to do.
From this information, it also says that some of the first few places to really experiment with the idea of vampires (most commonly associated with demons or spirits which drink and feed off of blood) was actually Persians, as they tried to dabble into the idea of creatures from the night who drank blood.
Most countries also have a tale of vampires of their own and also deep dives into each kind of folklore, ranging from ancient Greece to Spain to Italy etc. etc.

The earliest recordings of vampire activity took place in the region of Austria located in modern Croatia. The residents claimed that a man named Jure Grando had become a vampire beyond dying and there was outcry, which makes this the first report of a true vampire.
Nosferatu was also the first movie surrounding a vampire first being made in 1922.
I have also researched into more vampyr media and tried to scour something more relevant yet most vampyr media which was extremely popular was actually derived from the late 80's most vampyr films that are considered cult classics, are in this kind of area.
these are also the essential key rules of vampyr culture (according to count dracula in 1901) these rules are included in this link.
