This blog outlines a lot of the media/attention garnered surrounding new releases for films specifically franchises. For this example I've decided to include Despicable me, because it was feaetured on netflix also because of the fact that it's a relatively huge film and premiered to have much success. In junction to this, the advertising is phenomenal. I'll be displaying one of the first trailers alongside this film, also analysing some of the posters and how it fits into this sort of comical and light hearted themes. Plus the movie was so successful it managed to recieve a spinoff called minions. I haven't yet watched it. Included here is the trailer, I've also analysed how this trailer pans out and how these shots display Gru's character as a villain introducing him but also having him in obscurity leading the audience to want to find out more.

Use of orange and a black silhoutte is a brilliant because it highlights gru's odd figure and how he blends into the M-E. A good use of comical characterisation because of what we can infer from Gru's shadow thus making him all the more recognisable and intriguing. Because of how popular and iconic Gru became to be, I believe it was partially due to how they builded his character from what he has done and how the trailer eludes to what power he holds yet in a lighthearted tone considering that we're not supposed to take most of it seriously. One of the things that made Despicable Me a cult classic was one of the opening scenes which is a fantastic representation of how to make Gru's character flourish throughout.
I've included one of the clips that made Gru memorable and a joy to watch because it displays his selfish nature and also displays how much he has to grow throughout this film, also has a musical number which made the film all the more iconic produced and sung by Pharrell Williams.
This clip also displays Gru's selfish nature, through actions and how he reacts and talks to most of the people that he encounters. This is an insight to how most of the film progresses. It also includes a very iconic song in the background which goes alongside what Gru's doing.
Most of these songs produced by Pharrell can also change in tone like when the movie is at an all time high, the use of emotion and tonal effects is really effective because of how much it enhances the scene and makes us happy for the characters. It's a brilliant use of a soundtrack to push through a scene, also displaying how Gru bonds with the girls these songs represent how Gru starts as a character also displaying how Gru manages to become a softer and happier person due to who he's present around. There's a clear difference between when the film starts and ends. I'll link a song displaying this sort of change.
One of the posters which introduced Despicable me 2, includes an incredible retrospect to how minions are characterised and why they are such a cult classic today. Minions have lasted for decades and are still somehow just as popular as they were back in the day because of their recognisable design and marketing. The amount of relevancy Despicable me has is incredible, it's managed to reach international audiences spreading throughout the world making them recognisable anywhere.
This song, was also fantastic and was implemented in the film making it all the more popular. This music video alone amassed around a billion views on youtube easily making it one of the most viewed videos on youtube. Making despicable me so much more recognisable, because of the songs popularity a lot of renditions were included like a minions version and also a callback to the scene where it reflects Gru's change in mood due to his progression of character which I think is splendidly done. This is essential because it made Gru a three dimensional, relatable and down to earth character making him flexible like this makes him more appealing to wider audiences because of his relatability the audience sympathises for him and hopes for him to become a better person.

The use of perspective and silhouetted shots is fantastic, despite the minions in this poster the first one introduced had an atmosphere to it. In spite of how it was recieved as a movie poster which was just a trailer, it is brilliantly done leading people to have it hung in their rooms and sell them because of how it's painted. One of the examples of the most iconic poster in despicable me history is for the second one, by this point Gru has developed and grown as a character into a better person yet leads minions nonetheless this poster shows a sight of perspective also including gru's silheoutte proving how recognisable he is.

The usage of a tagline is clever because it includes elements of what makes Gru so popular.
"When the world needed a hero they called a villain" This is indicitive of some of the themes in Despicable me, how he's grown and how they display him looking after the girls in the second scenes. Because he's become a father, they also give him a love interest and show how he handles his feelings and how earnest he is. Included is also how the girls handle this, another song by Pharrell Williams which has garnered traction today because of the beat.
I absolutely adore this song and how it's used in this scene because of what it represents, how happy and upbeat it is. Also because it's in junction from how Agnes and her siblings were both playing in a fountain and then it instantly uplifts playing this song. Linked from here.
I also wanted to delve into how there was a spinoff, implementing advertising and leaking into how they have used mcdonalds and toys to show off their most cult classic characters. The fact that minions have the same color scheme. Made it easier to cross market plushies etc.
When searching up minions on google, around 2 billion results pop up showing how widely known it is. Meaning there is so much information surrounding them that so much content surronds them.

Minions have a cult following and have a lot of media surrounding them today, in around 0.65 seconds these results followed showing how easily salvaged this information is documented around minions. The trailer, also massed around 66 million views! Displaying how popular minions had become in the following years, the premise was also unique and fresh compared to most animated movies. Because these characters haven't yet been fleshed out and only been shown to be comic relief it was interesting because of how flexible and actually intriguing these characters are.
The minions are relevant to today because there's actually, a new minions movie coming out and premiering in July. I'll also include this trailer here to show a progression of how these films have expanded on each characters. Why this is good for marketing and also why this is good for the franchise to continue and flesh out the world.
This develops the minions and shows their dynamic with Gru whereas before it was just the minions on their own, exploring how they could adapt to having a new leader because they feel aimless and depressed meaning their key purpose is to serve an evil mastermind. I think this premise is great because how it explains how Gru became to be with the minions and also includes their dynamic and how it developed. I'm very excited to see this movie because it's really interesting plus I'm really excited to see how they expand on these topics such as villainy and also how he's now a small villain because they met when he's just a kid. They also expand on even when he was a child he's always been villainous, which is a callback to his name as well.

I think that these shots are also iconic because of the color schemes used. Plus how the usage of height and perspective is implemented to exxagerate these characters such as facial expression and how they've manipulated the scene to be very interesting. I feel as if these models make sense plus they are really recognisable.
This is a reference to how much minions have been used in the media and promoted. I'll be using mcdonalds as an example and what conatations that has.
All of these images I'll display just to demonstrate how widespread minions are and how this is relevant to marketing.

Minions have a history of being bright yellow which is coincidental because it aligns perfectly with how minions are yellow making them extremely recognisable and distinguishable down to the facial expressions too. Minions history of being in partners with mcdonalds to promote their film dates all the way to 2010 so for decades mcdonalds has been spreading minions around to saturate the market and make them more recognisable. This is also in benefit to mcdonalds because it gives them more customers.
