I've comprised two films which implement a lot of advertising to their products such as billboards, posters and radio shows even paying to get on the news and such this is so the film will get notority and become popular by proxy of being widespread. It also needs to be apart of the theme which will give the audience or the viewers an idea of what their product is about by spreading this and giving a lot of viewers to their products and such it becomes more popular. Also it gets people talking online and sharing these promotional posters, a lot of people talking about the movie or series gets them invested in the show twisting the plot or introducing new characters is also key to marketing. Word of mouth is a natural way of spreading the shows image, like people discussing the plot and it's characters on social media platforms and if it performs well it gets more people curious about said product. Yet only releasing it lightly as to not oversaturate the product, to have people engaged.
The series I've picked for this is YOU on netflix.
I also picked in some of the trailers, to show what you is.

This poster illustrates who Joe Goldberg is as a character and also brings out the date, highlighting subtly what sort of character he is as the main love interest is seen behind Joe how he's searching for her and always watching her. I think this is an extremely interesting way to hint at themes and what he's searching for it also how it's spliced in decreasing the opacity and slightly making the writings and promotions not the focus yet the image and the aesthetic is more important, also pointing out that it's a netflix original which means that it's fresh and new. Seeing as this is a fresh and new premise, also a new kind of series. It's also splicing in together a lot more horror and romance together which isn't a very explored genre. They also implemented the search bar to hint at how social media is a very key theme between this show which is also a very modern feature grounding this story in reality, making it more easy to find this show believable which adds to the element of horror present in you.

This series is also based off of a book which centers around Joe goldberg stalking and hunting down the ex lovers of gwinivure beck, this makes the series interesting because Joe as a character is occasionaly extremely sloppy within the crimes that he commits which adds to the drama and gives the show a lot of stakes. This poster illustrates how terrifying Joe is because he feels like a real person, also adds to the authenticity of things is how he is displayed with Beck next to him he seems normal, which makes it seem like people like Joe exist in our everyday lives because of the act that he puts on he manages to stay hidden in the show.
The uses of teal and green within this poster make it very interesting to look at because a lot of the themes in you also revolve around envy which is the incentive behind every action that he takes it highlights subtly who Joe is as a character, making him interesting.
A lot of the charm around Joe or lack thereof is that he doesn't nessecarily emote much which makes him void of emotion and also more scary his image mostly centers around being incredibly clever, it shows his wit and intelligence but also shows how he's able to travel among place to place to stalk the ones that he loves.

I've also included the poster which is for season three of the show, both characters are heavily involved in a lot of the misdeeds behind it. And it also includes how the character Love Quinn is just as sinister as Joe. A lot of the intrigue behind and centering Joe is that he is a sinister and dangerous character which makes him interesting to follow along the show how this poster uses a lot of his traits to illustrate who he is as a person is to use the props within this poster, to symbolise violence and loss. Using a simple gardening scene I think this is a good use of setting and props because of how it portrays the two. Love, being just as sinister and creepy as Joe actually makes her more intriguing to follow.
A lot more of these posters use these themes to convey a point.
suburban household
the outdoors
these are a very good use of props and what's around because it transforms something innocent into something deadly.
I wanted to do a deep dive into breaking bad because, it's featured on netflix and is also one of their most popular shows for good reason
Here is a trailer promoting the first season of breaking bad

This poster portrays Walter White as someone of authority I think that this poster highlights who Walt is as a person because the colour of green is excessive showing how lucrative his business venture is seeing this on billboards or seeing people talk about the show is bound to get people interested because of how synonymous breaking bad actually is to social media and culture, having people invested in this series to this day. Walter is an interesting character because of his struggles he is likable and also understandable, the way that conflict happens in this show is also illustrated by a lot of masterful shots. Which is also implemented here it also shows the themes of how he works within science and chemistry, this is important because Walt is a chemistry teacher which is why he is so adept at cooking meth. The lighting and use of mise en scene is brilliant here because it clearly shows who and what to focus on in this poster.
The tagline included at the top hints towards what sort of character Walt is and it also includes when this show is going to air so viewers can find out more. This is masterful because Breaking bad is extremely popular already by it's unique plot and storytelling and how things unfold.
Props, suits and the setting fits well alongside the theme of breaking bad.

This poster also has one color theme by also in junction introducing the chemistry element slightly by including the tag line and title which is synonymous amongst the show. Introducing the two characters to unknown viewers, both Jesse and Walt and also including how Jesse is in walts shadow already displays who the show is really focused on and who gets more development and effort about him.
This theme of yellow is featured because of how eerie it looks and also makes this poster and piece of material extremely interesting.
Following alongside this theme this show is very serious which is why the advertising follows suite alongside how the expressions are and how both these characters have posed in this shot.
I think that this piece of promotional material is good because trying to have the themes only promoted or elluded against is actually really difficult because a lot of posters only feature the characters, including subtle imagery to make the product really stand out is a good way to enhance viewership.

This is good too because it's an icon of one of their main characters making his identity more recognisable, this is also featured in the show when they are looking for heisenberg another good piece of promotional material is how season 2 episode 7 started off with a song, also making the image of heisenberg more recognisable because of the imagery featured and how he brands himself with a signature hat with glasses to hide his identity. Which markets the show better because it implements different cultures around the state and how word spreads along which also explores how people react to the image of heisenberg I'll feature it here.