I asked multiple questions to my audience surrounding what netflix movies and series that they enjoy, I am anticipating it to not get too many responses yet the form lies here and I'll continue this blog once responses come in.
The form is accessable right here :) https://forms.gle/nn91uNNWMzGdAX6m9
I've distrubuted this form out across social media platforms and have tried to promote it to the best of my ability by utilising this form of communication I consider this method to be succesful considering that last time it managed to garner around 300 responses. Although I'm not sure it will manage to have as much attention as last time which is due to the fact it's harder to reach an audience.
I have now amassed an amount of 55 responses which I haven't checked through thouroughly

92% of the people doing this survey have netflix, meaning a small amount of people actually don't engage with netflix so there's a lot more people in gen z engaging with and watching netflix then the other statistics show this is evident because a lot of people from this survey actually are apart of gen z.

25.5% of people say they enjoy animated movies above all else whereas the second most popular genre is comedy. Comedies are pretty synonymous for being loved. Thrillers, surprisingly aren't very popular amongst fans of movies which I think is to be expected because thrillers and horrors usually streer to a more eager and invested audience which means we'll have to aim for a niche.

Honestly promoting a series will probably be a lot more fruitful since there's a lot more going on however this project really focuses on being centered around a movie trailer project, a lot more movies that are popular have an element that makes them inherintly interesting and memorable so as long as the premise sits right with people it will be fine.

these are the results I've tried to center around the key theme which is vampires, I also tried to gather around results which is the popular consensus that surrounds vampires and such this also involves trying to see the most popular characters and get in some more statistics which center around this theme which is what is compiled here.

First question that I asked was trying to see a niche around this also to see which audiences to engage with, around 70% of people have seen and involved with vampires which covers over half of the chart making them a not so unknown topic to focus in on.

The most popular piece of vampire media according to this graph is hotel transylvania which is mainly a comedy a lot of people actually are interested in this medium considering why a lot more have voted for animated/comedy which is a very popular genre.
