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Writer: grace maullugrace maullu

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

all of this information is sourced from this site and I'll provide the link to it here, this is where my sources are cited from.

this graphic tells us where most of the userbase is from, this is essential to relating to these users and what settings it is going to take place. Usually trying to strive for more american of norwegian culture considering that 60% of their users have a netflix account and actively use this streaming platform. Diving into a lot of american culture would be important to put our point accross and making this media and giving it a more western take may draw more people to our trailer.

A lot of vampiric american culture, overcapatilises and usually takes a lot of the charm away from the media considering this fact maybe if for my individual project I could consider taking a lot of inspiration from buffy since it's a well written show and I personally think it holds charm, it's also an american piece of media which is a staple of their culture too.

This also sets an image of where to go for our project this takes into account how many users are tuning into netflix and how it's easy to have a viewbase now because there's more people who will watch the shows and tune into this piece of media making it more easier for things to take off.

This is important because it factors what sort of viewer base will be here and tune into our project. Making it more likely that it'll take off and become famous the spike in popularity is also important because it highlights how netflix is a staple of our everyday lives and it also features how netflix got more popular by 2020, which is the year that covid took place more then 33 million people got netflix accounts due to that which I think there is a correleation.

This also perfectly breaks down what sort of demographic truly tunes into netflix, 35-54 year olds by far have more accounts also more of the viewerbase are men. This is evident by how there are 43% of the viewers that are women and 57% that are men. A lot of these, aren't even gen z shown by how more 18 year olds have accounts more then 17 year olds. And even a lot more 55 and up have more accounts although this may be due to the fact that a lot more adults pay for the netflix subscription considering how much more expensive it is and is usually something to share.

However this doesn't deny that a lot more 35 year olds tune into netflix rather then the younger demographic which is essential because it paints a picture of what audience I'll need to aim to impress as well.


pulled directly from the source.

More key facts include how

  • a lot of people from other countries are not allowed to log in such as people from Syria, China and North Korea. which

  • However it is easy to get a VPN and say that you are in a different country to evade Netflix being inaccessable to you

  • in 2017 Netflix spent 1 billion on it's projects.

  • More then a petabyte of content is on Netflix currently

  • Netflix has won 112 emmys


Here are the graphics including what generations are interested in what products including millenials, baby boomers and also gen x and what channels they enjoy. The gap isn't that present between millenials and baby boomers as they are seemingly around the same age pool as of now a lot of millenials are seemingly reaching the ages of 30, 35 being the max. A lot of this information is varied, however the question posed is what is a millenial.

It's common information and quite easy to discern what a millenial is but I've provided the google defintion right here to summarise my thoughts on this matter.

Also, here's a brief explanation on what baby boomers are.


here I've compiled a list of programming that each of these generations like, in order I'll include them all in here.


This is the programming that caters towards Genaration X by proxy, it also includes netflix as it's 99% popular in fame and also is above bbc one and channel four which beats film4 and itv. This also highlights the direction that is important to head for when catering towards an audience.


Millenials tap into more TV then generation x. This is evident because of the figures that accelarate within because of how more millenials have watched more channel four then generation x which their highest percentage was 78% this is good because it means it's easier to find a target audience who will like the material produced.


The most popular TV channels amongst baby boomers is itv and it's by a whopping 81% although a lot of baby boomers don't watch netflix and isn't even included in the top 5 most popular tv channels which we can conclude that a lot of baby boomers don't care for streaming services.


I have added five more facts by delving into this site, by looking into this it also tells that netflix has the largest subscriber count compared to amazon prime which is the second largest streaming platform.

41% of their userbase are account sharing meaning a lot of their users don't necassarily have to pay to be in the netflix account, the main reason for this one subscription can cover around 4-5 different accounts that can tap in which is the reason why a lot of their users don't pay this can also account for children who log into netflix without a subscription since their parents pay.

other bullet pointed information listed here:

  • Netflix as a company was actually founded in 1996 to compete with blockbuster and has also put them out of business, the company is far older then we realise as it only spiked in popularity during the late to mid 2010's which is the reason why everyone is synonymous with netflix and the brand

  • The company is also the reason why other platforms are trying to defame them since they started the streaming wars meaning cable network has to out-perform how netflix does which is extremely difficult for them.

  • Clueless is the most popular movie and thirteen reasons why is the most popular series on netflix as of now

  • Netflix users combined an amass of 164 million hours of content a day in 2019

  • 35% Of Netflix's user base ranges from Canada and the USA

  • Netflix also grosses over $25 billion in the year 2020, making the budget they can hand out to shows and networks extremely profitiable no matter how much money is thrown their way

this is a graph of their reported revenue spanning from the likes of 2006-2019

this information shows netflix's peak in how many users engaged with their content.



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