This sort of project involves a lot of docuseries and a lot of dark gothic themes. To really delve into the aesthetic that I am aiming for during this week I've delved into a youtuber which produces a similar kind of content, related to people going missing and also horrific events that usually highlight music related things or sometimes missing persons report. But it fits into the same horror genre that we are going for, I personally have delved into this creator because I want this project to really elude to a horror sq. theme instead of appearing very tacky and fore fright. By achieving this. Looking into horror content and also real reports of terrific events is a good foundation for creating a trailer and also making character designs revolving around tragic events. I've also wanted to research how to blend both fiction and non fiction together to make this project more authentic and raw.
The kind of creator, that I wanted to delve into is noted here, to not appear unprofessional I would also like to issue a warning detailing that a lot of this stuff is quite dark and could also trigger some audiences. So a little heads up for darker themes!

This image, is referring to "Joanna Lopez" the missing woman to, as far as the audience is concerned doesn't actually exist. Due to multiple sources looking for the woman and where she appeared. She doesn't seem in line with most missing people's posters at the time due to the fact there's only an eerie photo of her up on display which doesn't actually display much about her. This is related to the vampire case because I feel as if it follows the same creepy themes.
Even according to some records and documentation, Joanna Lopez does not exist because there is absolutely no record of her being seen or even so much as going missing. An article details this by trying to crack the case however there is little to no information on where Joanna Lopez resides today.
In Chicago a program called WMAQ, there aired a photo of a woman to everyone's knowledge didn't exist. the first image was flashed in 1989.

Most missing posters, appear like so with clear information and a clear discernable photo also where to call. This also included their height, weight and where they were last seen which is clear information to try and find said person. However, the photo of Joanna included none of this information and was never found. They did find a similar person to Joanna who was killed in a homicide however there wasn't any confirmation that she was a Lopez.
This case is interesting to me because it involves information never found, and because she went missing in the late 80's and early 90's it was fairly hard to find her.
More information details that she is linked to Jane Doe, because conspiracists can't help but wonder if she wasn't really a real person.
For heavy information, and also subjects a little heads up for some darker themes in this video also as it involves a lot of true death and crime in this video which involves suicide, arson and other things.
This video documents a band which strived to be the most darkest band in metal they achieved this by being extremely violent and heavily endorsed violence and abetted their friend when he was mentally distressed and in a bad state.
This story also involves a lot of horror elements which is why I considered it relevant a lot of murder happens involving their friends. Mayhem has a reputation to this day as making black metal extremely bleak and disturbing which is why a lot of people don't engage within the genre however the members consider this as being free publicity.

An example of their gothic attire is detailed here, heavy with makeup etc. Both of these members didn't get along as detailed by this video. The reason why I have included this is because there's similar themes within the vampire killer case, it's detailed here:
Mayhem is a Norwegian black metal band with most of the connotations as to why black metal is synonymous today, featuring one of the darkest stories in history. It tells a tale of murder, suicide and violence.

Mayhem, founded in 1984 after the popularity of black metal started to spike. They were inspired by many other metal bands however wanted their stuff to be heavier and such trying to stray away from the original sound and making their own thing. It was founded by the guitarist Oysten Aarseth his stage name was the destructor, he then went on to come by Euronymous.
They coined their band name after a venom song "Mayhem and mercy"
influenced by other bands such as Motorhead black sabbath Bathory and Slayer.
Their most prominent member, Dead had an eccentric personality and usually was involved with things like the occult. He coined his name after his obsession with death and believed he was born to die. Or that he was a being other than human.
Asides from his fascinations, people described Dead as an introverted person who was a talented vocalist.
The band members are:

They were also heavily inspired by Kiss makeup which explains their look however one of their band members "Dead" decided that he would bury his clothes before he went on stage so that he would fit more into the dead like image.

A lot of murder happened between the band including Dead's suicide, the most morbid part of the story was how a fellow bandmate found his body and proceeded to take photos of his friend that passed to make new covers. He also used his bones to make necklaces for people he "deemed worthy" Euronymous also claimed that Dead committed suicide because of the commercialization of black metal as a whole and how over saturated the market had become, Euronymous treatment of Dead was claimed as absolutely foul because he capitalized off of his death going so far as to sell his skull on eBay for a total of 3500. During this time, once he found the body his first statement was "Dead has done something really cool! He killed himself"
Dead's suicide really broke apart the band.
Also, during when Dead was alive it was known that he would really try to fulfill his corpse like image and also paint himself using corpse paint to make it seem like he was truly more dead, this gave light to the true nature of his nickname and also the concerts that he was apart of became famous for what took part in them. The band also wanted to fit into the theme of appearing satanic. During concerts they would also put sheep on stakes and have them on display whilst they sung. Dead was also known to cut himself with hunting knives and broken glass according to his band members.

One of the band members, necrobutcher had claimed that he wanted to end euroynymous's life because of the treatment of dead after he had died. He tried to capitalize off of his suffering and clear mental illness. Euronymous selling off parts of his skull also made him a really terrible person because he prioritized sales rather then a friends life.
Necrobutcher left the band following after deads suicide, and also euronymous was murdered