This blog is in homage to the peer assesment done by Kai.

A lot of the clips were filler I agree however I was a little discombobulated in trying to find my footing whilst editing which felt a little choppy. I agree that a lot of the things that I did could've been better like the music which was a little oddly spliced in. I did have a lot of strengths however in my video, like how it was cleverly edited I wanted it to be out of the norm and a bit more unconventional as a perfect match for those strange themes such as how we managed to combine both horror and true crime both at once. I hadn't planned on embellishing this trailer further yet I needed to include some more themes which were a perfect match. Such as how I needed to make suspense and build tension however I feel that the payoff was a little off? I don't feel as if this can be fixed though. There is a slight voice-over describing her crimes yet there isn't a consistent voice-over which is what I planned. I am quite disappointed in myself that I couldn't find the right clips to really give this movie a good feel. My strengths were that most of the audio and clips are relevant and true to the case which is a good cause.

This aspect of the peer review stresses on what I've implemented poorly, I feel as if there a lot of strengths and weaknesses to my trailer that I'll try develop on for example a few filler clips were implemented to pad out the time which didn't really strengthen the resolve that they were meant to pad out the trailer and make it heavy with symbolism. I believe that the trailers strengths were present in how surreal it appeared to be and how much I wanted it to be unique. Yet the odd and bizzare music choice didn't really contribute much to the atmosphere I wanted it to be softly involved and have a slow progression into the music as it delves into what crime Tracey wiggins commited.