These are some photos that I compiled I feel would be relevant to the production of my poster.
Also, I'm brainstorming some ideas for settings and imagery which will be essential to making my poster. Researching most vampire media first, and trying to make it a bigger theme then expected. I'll explore some of my ideas and expand them beyond what motifs and color schemes are usually utilised between this medium.
I searched high and low for a lot of media on vampires that wasn't too tacky or lacked substance, following this most of these movies were released in the 90's/00's or before, because of how over-saturated they get.
I'll compile all of these in a list.
I haven't seen or viewed this however I'll leave this in as important due to the color palette introduced and how essential red tones are to this piece, as it displays all of these characters under the same theme. A lot of the cast are also paired in a strange manner too.
I'll try distinguish what sort of color palette is used, the tones used so it's easier to replicate and also implementing other vampire media to show my research and develop the key themes that they use.
The characters on display I feel are exaggerated to show a certain emotion it includes the entire cast and hints towards certain themes. This piece of media also seems to be a comic adaptation to live action meaning most of these characters have cartoonish exteriors or weird outfits which are hard to replicate by copying most of these themes and/or palettes it will be easy to potentially put over a filter on these shots.
For references for some of these shots, I'll use some screen caps from breaking bad for a reference on what a perfect shot will look like.
cinemetography is really important, taking advantage of the setting and scene to convey emotion with little to nothing being said is what really makes a scene is what picture your trying to take and utilising each and every detail without being too excessive is what makes a scene all the more powerful. The quality, the posing and the directing has to be absolutely perfect to give it that amount of edge that it deserves.
If the setting is a barren wasteland such as the shot referenced here it brings more attention to the characters because of how they contrast these muted yellow tones which matches the sky perfectly. The foreground is all the more eerie featuring mountains beyond a yellow sky.
What plots and settings to use will probably be the ones mentioned before, a forest eg.
For these perfect kinds of shots I'll be reviewing Micheal Slovis who has done a lot of beautiful photography work and who's responsible for most of these shots.
Silehoutted figures convey emotion and are so effective it makes the audience go "what a shot" when viewing these because the technical skill is recognisable even to the average viewer. Things such as the block colours, the gradient and how it pools out the entire area. Micheal's work is heightened with the amount of skill and conveys the exact feeling that the characters are going for. For example the first shot displaying a show of relief as they both kick back and relax, these bright vibrant oranges hogging the scene. A muted picture.