this isn't my final trailer, it's a draft that was a rough edit of all the themes and conventions that I'd like to show here. It's only here to display the mistakes made, and didn't include enough drama or punch that I think it needed. A lot of the editing choices have been cleaned up in this draft to show a more linear storyline and build on more cinematic displays of trailers. Add more drama, voice-overs, music which is genuinely fitting and more-so to be clearer on the over-arching story. All included in the final trailer
linked below is the final product for my movie trailer and how much effort I put into it and attempted to make as true to form as possible, however ameteur the effort mainly was focused on developing Tracey Wiggins as a character why she matters and why she's important to the plot. The most ominous character being the main, I wanted to display how heartless and emotionless she seemed by implementing odd//weird cinematography.
This video, is not a completed edit of my final trailer I've implemented a lot of themes of vampires. I also included some media from vampires and in TV because of that haunting atmosphere that I was searching for I think that it really stands out because of the intro. I included an old monologue from an interaction from an old dracula movie the official and last one I also dimmed the filter to make it appear black and white which is coherent amongst the theme I think that this goes alongside how tense it feels, most of the edit is courtesy of old film also the song which I felt goes alongside the theme. Nangs by tame impala really went well with the narrative which is why I added it. The main scenes the first part was how she felt whilst she killed and was also how it kicked off, the middle part and the climax of how this trailer started off was the build up. I like how it included the aftermath at the start to display how disastrous it is to have Tracey around and what she is capable of, who and what happened and how she got arrested most of these scenes draw reference to these videos including the dracula excerpt that I feel really boosted the trailers horror aspect.
Roughly, there are a lot of scenes that have been cut out due to how they weren't siginificant or too long which is bad because it messes with the pacing. I tried my best to make this trailer as coherent and senseful as possible.
To compare both of these trailers, I didn't manage to meet conventions however here's a superhero movie which has vampiric themes which is relevant (as of now)
this is a conventional movie trailer both with effects plus the text I haven't managed to show the guidelines for a proper trailer yet this is just as fantastical as I imagined it. Although, a lot of the codes and conventions are drastically different from my movie there still should be brought more attention to the cinematography color schemes and what sort of effect this has. I drew reference from basic matters such as how music is used to create emotion also how a brief voice over and TV static is used to make this film trailer seem dated and old.
Most of these clips I've spliced in my trailer have been heavily referenced to vampire and vampiric like themes, I had to alter this trailer so that it would follow suite and follow a storyline I will detail what I was aiming for here:
backstory on Tracey Wiggins (vague) (woman dubbed "the lesbian vampire killer)
how she killed her victim and what happened to him
brief music that fades in and out
the aftermath and how she got caught ie the arrest scene
end of trailer